News and Blog of the World DanceSport Games Kaohsiung 2013
A Few Words of Caution
Don't try to do this at home! What you see here is cheerleading as it was performed by squads from Thailand, Japan, Chinese Taipei, Germany, Indonesia, Russia and Philippines - in the precise order of their placing at the World DanceSport Games 2013 in Kaohsiung, TPE. What do these seven squads have in common, you are asking? One thing - and an important one at that: they are made up of trained professionals. Seriously, don't try to do this at home ... Check under PICTURES for the whole cheerleading selection.

The Story Continues
More and more photographs of the WDSF World DanceSport Games 2013 Kaohsiung become available as WDSF Communications' Dr Helmut Roland creates his "Best of ..." selections of the different disciplines and dance styles. Today's selection: Taike Dance, the most locally indigenous dance ... For those who forgot: It is a very innovative temple fair dance that involves the 'seven-star' steps that were traditionally danced by Taoist deity sedan-chair carriers during religious festivals and are accompanied by loud traditional temple tunes and neon lights. All the dancers from abroad marvelled at this fusion of old and new that brings ancient Taoist rituals into context of very contemporary dance. Check under PICTURES for today's selection.

The performances by all the champions of the inaugural edition of the WDSG 2013 were the mainstay of the spectacular closing act. In their speeches, both Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu and WDSF President Carlos Freitag qualified the inaugural edition of the games a great success. Indeed, over five days, the WDSG 2013 demonstrated that this sport is as diverse as the music it is danced to, and that DanceSport has found a formidable ally in getting this very message out to the world ... Thank you, Kaohsiung! This section dedicated to the WDSG 2013 will remain active for quite some time to come. Their story is far from being told yet.

Aniello Langella - Khrystyna Moshenska, ITA | WDSG 2013 Latin Winners' ITV
Interview with Aniello Langella - Khrystyna Moshenska, ITA, winners of the Latin in the WDSG 2013 in Kaohsiung.
Dinipiri Etebu, GER | WDSG 2013 Hip Hop Winner Solo & ITV
Solo and interview with Dinipiri Etebu, GER, winner of the HipHop Solo Male in the WDSG 2013 in Kaohsiung.
18:30 Local Time I Closing Ceremony
The Closing Ceremony of the WDSG 2013 in Kaohsiung.